Saturday, September 13, 2014

How To Get a Perfect 5.6 Score on Covet Fashion

With the new bonus of 2,000 diamonds for every perfect score, people are trying harder and harder to get that elusive 5.6 star rating. So how can you try and get that score?

  • You need to always have a +.30 for season and +.30 for unworn. Sorry. There's no other way. 
  • The better hairstyles you use, the better you'll rate. Watch how different looks rate with hairstyles as you vote - some hairstyles are much more popular than others. 
  • Try and save your unworn items for looks where you plan to try for a perfect score. 
  • Follow the guidelines for the event EXACTLY. If you don't, chances are you won't get votes.
  • Be DIFFERENT. Use unique items together, layer, use bright colors and match similar colored items together so that even people who vote without really looking notice YOUR outfit.