Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How To Borrow Clothes From Friends On Covet Fashion

To borrow an item from a covet fashion friend's closet:

1. Go into an event you wish to enter.

2. Under your options for choosing your fashion styling, click on "My Closet: Tap To Change". There are three lines you need to click.
3. Choose a friend's closet you wish to borrow from.
4. Choose an item to wear. 
5. Repeat step 2 to go back to your own closet and finish your outfit.

You can only borrow one item from each friend every 3 days.


  1. I always try to change closets. So i tap the button, tap to change. Then it would always direct me to log onto my facebook account. Everytime I log in, it woukd tell me that I am already connected then covet fashion wilk close. I will open the game again, then I will try to change closets again and same thing happens.what should I do?

  2. Is it possible to borrow one item from more than one friend on an individual challenge?
